Sunday, April 12, 2020

Why So Many Politicians Claim to Handle Social Issues?

Why So Many Politicians Claim to Handle Social Issues?What's the deal with politicians claiming to 'handle' social issues? This is the issue in these election seasons; social issues or social change? Or are they left for President Bush and Vice President Gore to deal with? Is it a half way measure?To answer this question, let's take a look at who politicians are and what their motives are. What's your motive and, of course, who's not?You are a politician representing a political party and, therefore, have an interest in controlling the public discourse, in which you will probably be involved. What's your motive?We've seen examples of this political factors since the days of Adam Smith, who wrote about 'the strange paradox that is religion.' Why would a politician 'try' to deal with social issues when they know the media will move to point the finger elsewhere? They do, but what do they know about public discourse that the media doesn't already know.If one were to attempt to do a comp rehensive and real-time assessment of the media, one would come up with either fake news or something more complicated. From the media's perspective, however, there is no such thing as a non-existent problem, there is only the reality of conflict.The left wants things to stay the same; they want to continue paying their welfare check and all they are willing to do is watch the television set as our taxes go up, our military becomes larger and more obsolete and we lose our freedoms. The right wants everything to change and then, of course, we have the whole debate about Social Issues, the true nature of which we have yet to discover.Please consider all this in 2020. Let's debate and then decide, before someone gets hurt and before one of us gets impeached. Please consider all this in 2020. Consider all this in 2020.

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